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Workshops / Instruction


Kline's process is special and has taken years to hone. She uses only the finest pigments, brushes and surfaces available and is an advocate for the timeless method of the classical masters. Layer upon layer is painstakingly applied. Her paintings are not born in a single night or day. When you see one in person, you will experience the luminous quality that is only achieved by this method.

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Kline's thirst for historical education in the process of classical painting techniques results in a painting process that includes techniques used by master artists like Rembrandt and many others.

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Starting with a subtractive approach, a gessoed canvas or panel is covered in the color of raw umber. The highlights are subtracted by wiping out (similar to a printmaking technique). This leaves a monochromatic composition, complete with a value study, which is the perfect step to continue into a gray study. After this has dried, Kline continues to a basic opaque color application. This is an area that continues to evolve (many days or even months) until she is satisfied with the overall composition, color, mood, tone, emotion, etc. Then and only then will she move onto glazing. Kline's glazing technique includes applying thin or transparent veils of color over opaque areas that give them vibrance and impact.

Study with Kline